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General Chat and Whatnot... in English

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General Chat and Whatnot... in English Empty General Chat and Whatnot... in English

Post by Glass Sun 23 Feb 2014, 1:00 pm

Because, why not? I believe that the members here have at least basic comprehension of English; what's with our part time job as a translator, of all things.

It's pretty much a self-explanatory. This is a place where we can just generally chat and get to know each other, whether it be personally or internetically. Because I'm basically new here just like everyone else (but then again, a fair amount of you have probably known each other already, but I won't necessarily rule it out).

Besides, speaking (and/or typing) a foreign language can be fun sometimes, don't you agree?

No? Well... okay.

S-so, yeah. Like I was saying, a place where we can just chat about various mundane things, interests, futures, philosophical theories, or whatever comes to mind.

How about it?

Jumlah posting : 58
Join date : 2014-02-10

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General Chat and Whatnot... in English Empty Re: General Chat and Whatnot... in English

Post by Jsmdg257 Sun 23 Feb 2014, 5:44 pm

Ah. Finally someone made a thread like this. I was also thought for making a thread like this, but it seems that I got beaten for doing so. (^^"

I also think that I can use this thread for practicing my English. So, it will get better.

And please let me know if there's a something wrong in my English. (^^"

Jumlah posting : 55
Join date : 2014-02-04

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General Chat and Whatnot... in English Empty Re: General Chat and Whatnot... in English

Post by Glass Sun 23 Feb 2014, 6:25 pm

Ah, yeah. I forgot to mention in the first post to keep the grammar naziing to a minimum when a poster posted a grammatically incorrect sentence. Of course, with the exception when said poster has personally stated to fix his/her English.

And I'm pretty sure I also made a mistake in my first post. So feel free to fix mine, too.

Anyway, onto the grammar naziing:

Jsmdg257 wrote:Ah. Finally someone made a thread like this. I was also thinking to make a thread like this, but it seems that I got beaten for doing so (this sentence seems to be wrong too, but I'm not exactly sure how to correct this). (^^"

I also think that I can use this thread for practicing my English. So, it will get better.

And please let me know if there's a something wrong with my English. (^^"

That's exactly one of the purpose why I created this thread. I mean, my English is still as shitty as it is. We're all still learning here, I guess.

Jumlah posting : 58
Join date : 2014-02-10

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